if it provokes, provide, otherwise, none.
it was a sketch.
Discussions concerning our current status as humans within the realm of the built and natural environment. Earth. Architecture. Art. Philosophy. More...there's always more!
i will suggest that before committing money, spend the time developing what the site would be on someone else's site. this will let you define the site, free of charge, before spending time and money simply getting the site up. for example, www.demilitarizedzone.net/e10. if you put your energies there, then, after a few months of testing and refining, go live with the domain name you choose.
I thought you might be interested in yesterday's transcript from an mechanical engineer who I released from a project, due to his lack of interest in architecture that uses walls and roof constructed of earth. You will see he is unwilling to work outside the culture of industrial production given his interest in "plastic sheeting, cellulose insulation, steel studs, fiberglass, urethane foam". I asked him to submit a proposal to design the geothermal heating and cooling system. Here was his reply:
What are the benefits of earth construction? TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION HERE.